Our 2nd Year
As we begin our 2nd year of Texa Kite Family Ministries projects, we continue to be grateful for those who share our desire to help us in this journey. Our friends, family and community partners who so graciously donate their time and help financially mean so much to us and we express our love and gratitude for each and every one of them.
Through incredible donations and many volunteers - we provided boxed dinners with whole turkeys for 150 families in need within the Edmond Community including local military families that are serving our country.
Enjoy this video of our 2nd Annual Share the Love Thanksgiving Dinner
♥ Here ♥
Once again, one of Texa's favorite coaches, Hogan Thomas, organized another swim clinic to benefit our 2024 TKFM Learn to Swim & Lunch Program coming this summer. With the help of 3 other terrific coaches, 65+ local Oklahoma swimmers were given the gift of advanced swimming techniques. Thanks to everyone who participated and donated to this incredible event.
♥2024 Hogan Thomas Swim Clinic Video♥
Texa Boxes
With the help of many volunteers and community partners ~ we continue to build and give Texa Boxes to the Edmond Community. These boxes are non-grocery items that give a little extra help for those in need of stretching their monthly budgets.
5th Grade Menstrual Starter Packs
This year we had the privilege of participating in a new program for Scissortail Elementary School and providing starter packs for girls.
Feminine Hygiene Boxes
We are continuing to partner with Period OKC to help distribute feminine hygiene boxes throughout our community. Recently we worked with Tinker Air Force Base to help stock their supply for families in need as well as Claremore, Bartlesville, Owasso, and Bartastal communities that were heavily impacted from the recent tornadoes and storms.

2024 National Guard Snack Packs
With the help of Friends of TKFM and Community Partners like Edmond Women's Club ~ We were happy to help support a new program for our local National Guard Families. We are grateful for all these families and their willingness to serve our country. Texa would have loved this program. #flytexafly
2024 TKFM Swim Camp
We had the great opportunity to work with the kids of Peppers Ranch for our 2024 TKFM Swim Camp. Thank you to Coach Brian Kidd for once again bringing your amazing talent and passion to the pool each and every day.
We served 68 foster children for four weeks and loved seeing the fun & joy it brought them. They will have these memories and this confidence the rest of their lives.
Also ~ Thank you to Hogan Thomas of USASwimlessons.com, Edmond Women's Club, and Friends of TKFM for your generous support of this incredible project.
Enjoy our video here:
Another Round for our National Guard
TKFM purchased another pallet of ready meals & snacks for the families with kids of our local troops. We're grateful for the donations that have been made in Texa's honor that allows us to do these projects.